Sunday, 16 February 2014

Career Preparation: Graphic Design

By Franklin Skribbit

Studying for your graphic arts degree is a challenge, especially if you're in an environment where you might feel distracted. You have to find ways to go to a setting where these distractions won't be a problem anymore. Accomplishing this feat is easier said than done for graphic arts majors. Since there are so many projects that come up as part of courses in the graphic arts program, graphic arts majors need to concentrate at the task at hand. They have to be able to sit down knowing that they can breeze through their project from start to finish. There are some measures that graphic arts majors can take to increase their chances of getting the most out of their studying regimen. Most of all, they need to adjust their schedule to allow for extended periods of rest. Your brain won't be able to handle more studying than what's necessary.

Finding the Right Approach - Every college student will have to go through the adjustment period that's necessary for them to find the right approach to learning the source material. It's tempting to say that you will just read the materials without any other accommodations. The reality of the situation is that everyone learns in their own unique way. You have to find a way to make it as easy as possible for you to get ahead.

The internship This can seem like a somewhat daunting thing. Internships are often unpaid and leave you with not doing the work that you thought you would. But! Still try and get one. Internships look great on a resume, and they can really help you get your foot in the door and help you on your way in your career. Often times, you will meet many people and will be much better off as far as networking. The internship can also give you a good sense of what a career might be like.

Icons - The uprising of the tablet has led to the universal transition from preferring to read text to wanting to see visually pleasing pictures and icons. When tablets were first created, many businesses realized that they would have to adapt their websites for tablets by incorporating more pictures and easily recognizable icons. However, this has now become popular on websites accessed through normal monitors and laptops as well. Those pursuing an education in web design are now learning how to create icons that are both simple and informative for any type of website.

Start to network - Most people get jobs through their contacts. If someone knows that you are a really strong, reliable, and creative graphic designer, and they are looking for someone to fill the job, then they will be much more inclined to find you, and to hire you. Get your name out, and be friendly with everyone you meet. You never know who could be your next boss or employee.

A good rule of thumb would be to eliminate anything that takes your sight line away from what you're working on at this moment. Your smartphone should be one of the first things that's put away.

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